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Client Side Limiting Flow

Flow Diagram

The Client-Side Limiting Flow regulates API traffic by enforcing predefined quotas within the flow. This ensures that API usage stays within limits, preventing overconsumption and maintaining stable integration. The flow dynamically manages requests and provides appropriate responses when quotas are exceeded.


  1. Quota Enforcement: The flow applies traffic limits based on configured quotas, ensuring that API requests adhere to predefined thresholds for visibility and management.
  2. Custom Responses: Configure specific messages or status codes when limits are reached, giving users clear feedback on quota breaches.
  3. Quota Segmentation: The flow enforces quotas based on attributes like headers or URLs, allowing for granular traffic control, such as setting different limits for production and staging environments.
  4. Noisy Neighbor Prevention: Ensure that high-traffic clients do not negatively impact others by enforcing client-specific quotas within the flow.
  5. Proactive Client-Side Throttling: Protect API provider resources by enforcing traffic limits directly on the client side, ensuring responsible and efficient API consumption.