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Latency Footprint

Through our benchmarking sessions, we wanted to unveil Lunar's latency footprint on response time percentiles in comparison to direct API calls made without Lunar's intervention. In our experiments, we have selected a provider with a constant response time of 150ms, which is relatively fast for a web-based API.

To accomplish this, we explore the following scenarios:

  • Traffic passes directly to the API provider without any intermediary. (referred to as "direct")
  • Traffic passes through Lunar without any flows enabled, acting as a simple proxy. (referred to as "no-flow")
  • Traffic passes through Lunar while employing a simple flow that doesn't short circuit requests. (referred to as "with-active-flow")

We allocated three different AWS EC2 instances of type c4a.large for this purpose - one for the client application making API requests, one dedicated to Lunar, and another one dedicated to the API provider.


We used Apache AB, to simulate client-side behavior and gather necessary metrics. To replicate how client applications interact with Lunar, we directed Apache AB to call Lunar, which, in turn, forwarded the requests to the Provider.

On the provider side, we leveraged go-httpbin, a Docker image that serves as a Go version of

Benchmark Results​

In our performance analysis, we conducted three experiments to compare the following scenarios:

  • Calls directly to the provider (referred to as "direct").
  • Calls to the provider via Lunar Proxy without any active flow (referred to as "no-flow").
  • Calls to the provider via Lunar Proxy with an active flow (referred to as "with-active-flow").

The visualization below presents percentile values on the X-axis and runtime in milliseconds on the Y-axis, highlighting the differences between each experiment and the baseline direct experiment, which are relatively small across percentiles.

Benchmark Results

To provide a clearer understanding, let's examine the same graph with the Y-axis representing the delta from the baseline for each experiment and percentile. In the direct experiment, the delta remains 0 for all percentiles, as it is compared against itself.

Benchmark Results

  • At the 99th percentile, Lunar Proxy adds around 4ms (with no flow and with an active flow) to the overall response time of HTTP calls.