β‘οΈ Quick Start
Welcome to the lunar.dev quickstart guide! This tutorial is designed to cover the basic steps of installing the two key components - Lunar Proxy and Lunar Interceptor - that allow lunar.dev to do its magic. Then we'll create a basic policy that shows how easy it is to control and optimize your API consumption.
Below, you'll find a helpful video introduction followed by detailed setup instructions for Docker or Kubernetes, and programming language-specific installations. Let's dive in.
To facilitate a smooth setup, ensure you meet the following prerequisites:
Environment Setup: Choose either Docker or Kubernetes for your environment. Having one of these installed is essential for deploying Lunar Proxy.
Development Environment: Ensure you have at least one of the following programming environments installed on your system: Python, Node.js, or Java. This is required for installing Lunar Interceptor and integrating it into your application.
Lunar Proxy Installationβ
- Docker
- Kubernetes
Step 1: Run Lunar's Proxy Containerβ
docker run -d --rm -p 8000:8000 -p 8081:8081 -p 8040:8040 -e TENANT_NAME="ORGANIZATION" -v $(pwd):/etc/lunar-proxy --name lunar-proxy lunarapi/lunar-proxy:latest
Note that the TENANT_NAME
environment variable is required. This variable should be set to the name of your organization.
Step 2: Run Post-Installation Health-Checkβ
curl http://localhost:8040/healthcheck
A correct result should be proxy is up
Step 3: Pass an API Requestβ
curl http://localhost:8000/fact -H "Host: catfact.ninja" -H "X-Lunar-Scheme: https"
Then, use the Discover command to validate that the requests were passed through Lunar Proxy.
docker exec lunar-proxy discover
Step 1: Add and Update Lunar Repositoryβ
helm repo add lunar https://thelunarcompany.github.io/proxy-helm-chart/
helm repo update
Step 2: Install Lunar Proxy Helm Chartβ
helm install lunar-proxy lunar/lunar-proxy --set tenantName=<name> --namespace lunar-proxy --create-namespace
Before installing Lunar's Proxy, ensure that the tenantName
is set to the name of your organization, for example: Acme
or Google
Step 3: Run Post-Installation Health-Checkβ
helm test lunar-proxy
Step 4: Pass an API Requestβ
curl http://localhost:8000/fact -H "Host: catfact.ninja" -H "X-Lunar-Scheme: https"
Then, use the Discover command to validate that the requests were passed through Lunar Proxy.
kubectl exec <lunar-proxy-pod-name> -- discover
Lunar Interceptor Installationβ
Lunar Interceptor needs to be imported to your app. In case you don't have a relevant app in place, refer to our Example Apps
- Python
- Node.JS
- Java
Step 1: Install Lunar Interceptorβ
pip3 install --upgrade lunar-interceptor
Step 2: Link Lunar Interceptor to Lunar Proxyβ
export LUNAR_PROXY_HOST="localhost:8000"
This environment variable sets the host and port for Lunar Proxy. Set this to localhost:8000
if you're running Lunar Proxy in a local Docker container. The value assigned to LUNAR_PROXY_HOST
should only include the hostname and port, without the HTTP
prefix. For example, use localhost:8000
and not http://localhost:8000
Step 3: Import Lunar Interceptor to Your Appβ
import lunar_interceptor
# imports ...
# your code
def main():
Step 1: Install Lunar Interceptorβ
npm install lunar-interceptor
Step 2: Link Lunar Interceptor to Lunar Proxyβ
export LUNAR_PROXY_HOST="localhost:8000"
This environment variable sets the host and port for Lunar Proxy. Set this to localhost:8000
if you're running Lunar Proxy in a local Docker container. The value assigned to LUNAR_PROXY_HOST
should only include the hostname and port, without the HTTP
prefix. For example, use localhost:8000
and not http://localhost:8000
Step 3: Import Lunar Interceptor to Your Appβ
# imports ...
# your code
Step 1: Install Lunar Interceptorβ
wget -O lunarInterceptor.jar https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/dev/lunar/interceptor/lunar-interceptor/0.1.1/lunar-interceptor-0.1.1.jar
Step 2: Link Lunar Interceptor to Lunar Proxyβ
export LUNAR_PROXY_HOST="localhost:8000"
This environment variable sets the host and port for Lunar Proxy. Set this to localhost:8000
if you're running Lunar Proxy in a local Docker container. The value assigned to LUNAR_PROXY_HOST
should only include the hostname and port, without the HTTP
prefix. For example, use localhost:8000
and not http://localhost:8000
Step 3: Import Lunar Interceptor to Your Appβ
Enable the instrumentation agent by using the -javaagent
flag with the JVM.
export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-javaagent:PATH/TO/lunarInterceptor.jar"
Step 4: Run Your App and Validate Proxy/Interceptor Linkageβ
Run your app and consume API traffic. Then, use the Discover command to validate that the requests were passed through Lunar Proxy, and that your installed interceptor is correctly listed.
- Docker
- Kubernetes
docker exec lunar-proxy discover
kubectl exec <lunar-proxy-pod-name> -- discover
Configure the policies.yaml fileβ
After confirming successful installations of Lunar Interceptor and Lunar Proxy, enhance your API consumption with a remedy plugin. Think of it as a customizable tool that simplifies problem-solving and smoothens API interactions by establishing rules for different scenarios.
In this example, we'll apply the strategy-based-throttling
plugin. Edit your policies.yaml
file from step two with the provided plugin configuration.
- name: Strategy Based Throttling Quick Start
enabled: true
allowed_request_count: 100
window_size_in_seconds: 60
response_status_code: 429
In the above example, the plugin will enforce a limit of 100 requests per minute for all requests. If the limit is exceeded, the plugin will return a 429 HTTP status code.
Apply Policyβ
After making changes to your local policies.yaml
file, use the apply_policies
command to apply the new policies.
docker exec lunar-proxy apply_policies
What's Next?β
- Lunar Sandbox: Try out Lunar in the interactive sandbox - no installation required!
- Demo video: Check out this demo video for a quick start.
- Download Example App: Explore Lunar in action with our example apps, already configured to work with Lunar Proxy.
- Get in touch: For any questions, feel free to reach out to us at info@lunar.dev.