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Version: 1.0.x

Flow Configuration Template

Flow Configuration

# Name of the flow for identification purposes
name: HARCollectorFlow

# Filter configuration to specify which requests the flow applies to
url: "{id}" # Target URL pattern for the requests to be captured

# Processor configuration section
processor: HARCollector # Specifies the processor used for HAR data collection
- key: exporter_id
value: "file_exporter_01" # ID of the File Exporter defined in gateway_config.yaml
- key: transaction_max_size_bytes
value: 5000 # Maximum size limit for each HTTP transaction log (in bytes)
- key: obfuscate_enabled
value: true # Enables obfuscation of sensitive data in the logs
- key: obfuscate_exclusions
- '$' # Exclude specific query parameters from obfuscation
- '$' # Exclude specific paths in the request body from obfuscation
- '$.response.headers["Retry-after"]'
enabled: true # Enables metric collection for this processor
- flow_name
- processor_key
- http_method
- url
- status_code

# Flow definition section for request and response handling
# Start of the request flow
- from:
name: globalStream # Use the global stream for capturing requests
at: start # Start capturing at the beginning of the stream
name: globalStream # Return the request to the global stream
at: end # End point of the request flow

# Start of the response flow
- from:
name: globalStream
at: start # Start of the response flow
name: HARCollectorResponse # Capture the response using the HARCollector processor
- from:
name: HARCollectorResponse # Capture the response using the HARCollector processor
name: globalStream # Send the processed response back to the global stream
at: end # End point of the response flow

Configuration Fields Explained

FieldDescriptionExample Value
exporter_idLinks to the File Exporter in gateway_config.yaml.file_exporter_01
transaction_max_size_bytesSets the maximum size for each logged transaction (in bytes).5000
obfuscate_enabledEnables or disables obfuscation of sensitive data.true
obfuscate_exclusionsSpecifies fields to exclude from obfuscation.See Obfuscation Exclusions
metricsEnables metric collection for the HAR Collector Processor.enabled: true

Obfuscation Exclusions

The HAR Metrics Collector Processor includes robust obfuscation capabilities to protect sensitive data. By default, if obfuscate_enabled is set to true, the processor will mask:

  • query_params
  • path_params
  • request_headers
  • response_headers
  • request_body_paths
  • response_body_paths

Example Obfuscation Configuration:

      - key: obfuscate_enabled
value: true # Enables obfuscation of sensitive data in the logs
- key: obfuscate_exclusions
- $.response.body.username
- $.request.headers.auth

In this configuration:

  • Obfuscation is enabled for all data except for the specified exclusions.
  • Excluded fields (e.g., id,, Retry-After) are not obfuscated, allowing specific data points to remain visible for diagnostics.

Obfuscation Details:

  • Default Behavior: Without specifying obfuscate_enabled, obfuscation is disabled.
  • Hashing: Obfuscated values are replaced with consistent hashes, ensuring data privacy while maintaining traceability.
  • If the obfuscate field is not specified, the plugin will not obfuscate any sensitive information.
  • If obfuscate is enabled, the plugin will obfuscate all query parameter values, path parameter values, request/response header values, request/response body values by default.
  • Obfuscation is done by replacing the original value with a hash of that value. This means that the obfuscated value will be the same for the same original value. For example, if the original value of a query parameter is 123, the obfuscated value will always be the same hash of 123.
  • Query parameter names and path parameter names are not obfuscated. Only their values are obfuscated. The same goes for request/response header names and request/response body paths.

Gateway Configuration (gateway_config.yaml)

The gateway configuration defines the export settings for HAR data. The following should be added to your gateway_config.yaml depending on your preferred exporter.

exporter_id: my_file_exporter
file_dir: "/var/log/lunar-proxy" # Directory where HAR logs will be stored
file_name: "transaction.log" # Naming pattern for log files

exporter_id: my_s3_exporter
type: "s3" #gcp
bucket_name: "my-har-logs"
region: "us-east-1"

Configuration Fields Explained

FieldDescriptionExample Value
file.file_dirDirectory where HAR logs will be stored./var/log/lunar/har_logs
file.file_nameNaming pattern for the log files.har_exporter_{timestamp}.log
cloud.typeWhich cloud provider is being exported to.s3
cloud.bucket_nameName of
cloud.regionRegion where bucket


  • Log File Not Created:
    • Ensure exporter_id in flows.yaml matches the File Exporter ID in gateway_config.yaml.
    • Verify that the specified file_dir exists and has appropriate write permissions.
  • Large Log Files:
    • Use transaction_max_size_bytes to limit the size of each logged transaction.
    • Set max_file_size in gateway_config.yaml to manage log file growth.
  • Obfuscation Not Working:
    • Check that obfuscate_enabled is set to true and verify the exclusions list.
    • Ensure that the fields specified for exclusion exist in the captured HTTP data.